Monday, September 12, 2011

To Start

I started this blog because there are times in my life when I want to speak my mind politically, but my main blog isn't political in nature. Also, I like to curse... and my main blog is more of a "family blog" than an "angry political swearing blog." There are also times that I worry about the comments that might be left on my main blog; I worry I'd find the comments offensive, since it's *my* blog and *my opinion.* I don't care what "random_user_1" has to say; in fact, I don't care if that person agrees, disagrees, or is completely confused. It is what it is... I said it, that's how I feel, move along.

With all the political turmoil this country has been going through these past several years, I feel as though there are more lies and deceit in Washington than ever before. Politicians are all corrupt; they only seek personal gain from running for and holding office. Politicians will say and do anything necessary to get people to listen to them and once people are listening for long enough, they start to believe what the politician is saying, even if it's all one giant puff of black smoke.

This blog is yet another attempt to get people to see the truth between the lies. Most of what this blog will be leading up to is the 2012 Election. I want people to be more educated when they go to vote; I won't want people to vote for the prettiest candidate or the candidate that their religion "suggests" they vote for.

That being said, this is MY political blog. Read it and like it or read it and hate it; I don't care.

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