Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tea Party Debate

I was flipping through the channels today and I saw CNN was hosting the "Tea Party Republican Debate."

First thought: Why the fuck is the Tea Party getting more attention? They need to shut the fuck up; they are ruining this country.
Second thought: Since when is the Tea Party and the Republican Party one in the same...?
Third Thought: Really CNN? Really? There was just a GOP debate last week... we don't need one every week!
Fourth Thought: I should record this so my husband can watch this for a good laugh when he gets home tonight.

My curiosity got the best of me and I started watching it. I started rolling my eyes almost immediately.
These are my personal opinions of the eight "Republican" candidate hopefuls:

Jon Huntsman: He tries too hard, like he has something to prove... but he's pretty smart. Warning: He's Mormon, too.

Herman Cain: He relates everything to his pizza company because he doesn't have any formal political experience. He's not a "career politician," which is a breath of fresh air, believe me. However, he wants to do this 9-9-9 plan; 9% flat tax on individuals and businesses and a 9% flat sales tax. He believes his plan would eliminate the IRS, but someone's gotta look over tax documents to make sure people did it correctly and verify everyone paid their "fair" share... unless he's going to completely eliminate mailing in taxes altogether, which would mean the end of all tax credits, including the popular Earned Income Credit and itemized deductions.

Michele Bachmann: Batshit crazy. End of story.

Mitt Romney: Started out a good conservative candidate, but started talking towards the Tea Party craziness so he'd get more votes. Also, he's Mormon and I don't want a Mormon in the White House, trying to push their moral, ethical, and religious propaganda on the American people. Look what the Mormons did with California's Prop 8 legislation... Mormon church members put millions of dollars into that to ensure gay marriage didn't pass because it goes against their religion and their moral and ethical beliefs. All that aside, as the governor of Massachusetts, Romney created state-wide health care, which was the inspiration/foundation for Obama's nation-wide health care plan. Romney doesn't agree with Obama's health care bill, however... I find that to be a double standard, which Mormons are known for having/doing and yet another reason why I don't want him in the White House.

Rick Perry: Religion and Politics should not mix. End of story. I hope we have learned from our mistakes (G.W.Bush) and he will not be chosen as the Republican candidate.

Ron Paul: Give up, crazy old man. How many times have you attempted to run for President as an Independent or Libertarian, only to not get elected? So now, you're trying to run as a "Republican," eh? Nice. As a Libertarian, wants to get rid of defense spending, bring everyone home from overseas, cut the Dept. of Education, the Dept. of Energy, etc. to help reform the budget.

Newt Gingrich: He was big in the 1990's... and he still is quite large. However, after marrying a woman and divorcing her... then marrying his mistress and divorcing her... then marrying yet another mistress... He's a bit of a double standard holder, too. Not a fan. He seems to think he was this amazing politician back in his day, but he seems to forget that he resigned from Speaker of the House due to his multiple affairs.

Rick Santorum: First, Google his last name. Hilarious. Second, he's a little weird. He speaks up and challenges the other potential candidates.

As I'm watching the debate, here's where everyone stood on the topics below. Granted, these are very brief in description, but you'll see the crazy just in this brief blog.

Social Security and Medicare.
When asked, neither plan will change for current subscribers; however, both plans "need" to change and be reformed for the younger generations. And by "fix," they mean get rid of it... completely. Romney wants to fix Social Security and Medicare and make it financially sound, but Perry wants to "go back to the constitution" and get rid of said Ponzi Scheme. Paul wants to make sure Social Security isn't touched by anyone; however, he wants to make sure the younger generation has the option to take their Social Security out and into the private sector with a "personal account"... and Cain and Gingrich agree. Santorum has been preaching Social Security reform for over 15 years... and if you don't believe it, Google it. Perry does not want to get rid of prescription drug benefits; Romney wants to reform it.

Budget and Economy.
Gingrich wants to "modernize" the federal budget to cut billions of dollars; he does not want to be "cheap," he wants to be "smart." Huntsman wants to reform tax code and get rid of loopholes and corporate welfare, lower tax rates, wants to repeal "Obama-care," and stop our dependence on foreign oil. Perry says, "People are tired of spending money they don't have on programs they don't want." Bachmann didn't want to raise the debt ceiling for Obama's "out of control" spending. She wants to lower our tax rate to 0% in order to get American companies that are overseas to come back to the US and then collect their money. Wait... 0% of 1.2 trillion dollars is... $0... Cain wants to implement his 9-9-9 plan; 9% individual and business tax and 9% national sales tax. Romney wants to reform the tax code, create job certainty, and balance the budget. Santorum and Cain want to audit the Federal Reserve. In fact, Santorum doesn't want to charge taxes to companies manufacturing goods in the US (just the workers). Bachmann doesn't want the Federal Reserve to have the power to loan money and she does want to audit the Federal Reserve. Gingrich still thinks we're a risk for foreign terrorists and does not want to lower our defense spending. Paul says there's a difference in defense and military spending; slash military spending, but keep defense spending since we're occupying several countries for no reason. Santorum pointed out that Paul's website stated that 9/11 was our fault due to our actions within our countries (the audience booed Paul's outlook).

Gingrich believes every "green tax credit" is a loophole; that's why GE didn't pay anything in taxes. Huntsman believes in 14, 24, and 32% tax levels... but he didn't say who got which tax bracket. Convenient. Fair Tax is a National Sales tax; Romney does not agree with it, he feels the middle-class should not pay any more taxes so they can keep it and use it as they see fit.

Perry seems to think he's created 1 million jobs in Texas... so he knows how to do it for the entire nation. However, Paul disagreed; his taxes have gone up, the spending has gone up, and the debt has gone up and the jobs that were created in Texas were all government jobs. Gingrich seems to think that "he" as the Speaker of the House created more jobs than anyone else (did not mention Clinton at all)... Job creation is the American people's job, not the governments job. Cain is pro-worker and pro-business owner... at the same time. Huntsman wants to allow the private sector to "do its thing" and jobs will be created.

Immigration, National Security, and War.
Santorum wants to beef up security on the border and build more fence with technology. No amnesty; the US is a Melting pot, not a "Salad bowl." Perry "understands" border patrol and has spent TX tax dollars to attempt to secure the border and believes the US has a constitutional obligation to step-it-up and secure the borders. However, Perry passed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition if working towards a college degree. Bachmann does not think non-Americans should get subsidies from tax dollars. Huntsman provided driving privileges to illegal immigrants- it is not an identification card; he also believes the Perry saying the border cannot be secure is "treasonous." Thinks the border can be secure with National Guard and technology. Romney wants to gain support from Latinos by providing them opportunities and wealth, not hand-outs (that's a Democrat thing)... oh, and we're going to build a fence on the border. Huntsman wants to get out of Afghanistan; no more nation building or people protecting- the Afghan people need to be responsible for that. Perry wants to pull out some troops, but wants to keep a presence there to help build schools and buildings.

Health Care.
Paul was asked about what a healthy 30-year-old person without insurance would do if they got in a car accident and needed intensive care... Who would pay? The audience cheered to, "Let him die?" Wow. What a fantastic audience. Who would pay: friends, neighbors, churches... the community will help each other. "Freedom is the ability to take risks." Perry mandated the HPV vaccine in his state for all young girls by using an executive order (which he now regrets, but wanted to air on the side of life), but WILL use an executive order to repeal "Obamacare." Bachmann is *extremely* opposed to HPV vaccines and the Plan-B emergency contraception (not abortion) pill. Forcing an "innocent girl" to get a "government injection" against her will is against the constitution. Santorum agreed with Bachmann; it was a bad policy and good example of strong government. Cain wants to repeal "Obamacare" and pass market-driven ideas, including custom-tailored health plans. Romney stands by his MA health care on a state level, but not on a national level. Romney wants health savings accounts for all Americans so they realize how much health care costs. Perry thinks that states should decide whether or not they want health care, but does not agree with "Obamacare." Bachmann feels as though "Obamacare" needs to be pulled out by the roots, not repealed, and she is the person to do it.

When asked what they'd bring to the White House, their replies were:

Santorum: A new bedroom and beds for their 7 kids.
Gingrich: Get rid of Czars to make more space, ballet, chess set
Paul: Common Sense and Economics
Perry: His wife
Romney: Churchill's Bus
Bachmann: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights
Cain: Sense of Humor
Huntsman: Harley Davidson Motorcycle

Really, people? You would rather have one of these crazy people instead of Obama? We currently have a Republican-led Congress and if we have a Republican president that's as crazy as one of these eight people are, this country is going to go to hell in a hand basket... just like it did when G.W.Bush was president until Americans voted in a Democratic Congress.

Unfortunately, our Democrats in Congress are pathetic. They need to step it up and stand up for themselves and their voters! What is wrong with this country is that Democrats are too nice and Republicans are becoming crazier and louder than ever before. Democrats need to turn up the liberal crazy so they can be heard, too! They need to make sure the quieter Democrats know there are other people just like them... and not as crazy as the Republicans.

I mean, the Tea Party audience cheered to let someone die, they applauded the highest deaths due to the death penalty in Texas under Perry, and cheered when Gingrich said, "Obama scares people everyday." And this is what people are PROUD to be a part of?!! I'm telling you... the Tea Party is RUINING our country.

Monday, September 12, 2011

To Start

I started this blog because there are times in my life when I want to speak my mind politically, but my main blog isn't political in nature. Also, I like to curse... and my main blog is more of a "family blog" than an "angry political swearing blog." There are also times that I worry about the comments that might be left on my main blog; I worry I'd find the comments offensive, since it's *my* blog and *my opinion.* I don't care what "random_user_1" has to say; in fact, I don't care if that person agrees, disagrees, or is completely confused. It is what it is... I said it, that's how I feel, move along.

With all the political turmoil this country has been going through these past several years, I feel as though there are more lies and deceit in Washington than ever before. Politicians are all corrupt; they only seek personal gain from running for and holding office. Politicians will say and do anything necessary to get people to listen to them and once people are listening for long enough, they start to believe what the politician is saying, even if it's all one giant puff of black smoke.

This blog is yet another attempt to get people to see the truth between the lies. Most of what this blog will be leading up to is the 2012 Election. I want people to be more educated when they go to vote; I won't want people to vote for the prettiest candidate or the candidate that their religion "suggests" they vote for.

That being said, this is MY political blog. Read it and like it or read it and hate it; I don't care.